Buried deep in the list of new technology in the
Mathematica development pipeline was the item "integration of oscillatory functions (univariate, multivariate)---new algorithm". I expect most people will overlook it, as I did, in favor of the new functions, new directions, big infrastructure, and the eye candy. Even worse, most people who will use it won't even know---it will be selected automatically when needed, like many of
Mathematica's algorithms. So I think it's my duty to share my discovery that this algorithm is actually really cool.
Why is it so cool?
The first clue I had was when I read in the notes that this was the first time anyone had fully automated the algorithm into a very wide class of problems. Second, that it was a hybrid numeric-symbolic method (putting it beyond the reach of most numerical systems). And finally, that it was developed by the talented
Wolfram Research developer
Andrew Moylan.