Mathematica News

Announcements & Events

Why Would a Mathematica User Care about R?

The benefits of linking from Mathematica to other languages and tools differ from case to case. But unusually, in the case of the new RLink in Mathematica 9, I think the benefits have very little to do with R, the language. The real benefit, I believe, is in the connection it makes to the R community. When we first added the MathLink libraries for C, there were real benefits in farming out intensive numerical work (though Mathematica performance improvements over the years and development of the compiler have greatly reduced the occasions where that would be worth the effort). Creating an Excel link added an alternative interface paradigm to Mathematica that wasn't available in the Mathematica front end. But in the case of R, it isn't immediately obvious that it does many things that you can't already do in Mathematica or many that it does significantly better. However, with RLink I now have immediate access to the work of the R community through the add-on libraries that they have created to extend R into their field. A great zoo of these free libraries fill out thousands of niches--sometimes popular, sometimes obscure--but lots of them. There are over 4,000 right here and more elsewhere. At a stroke, all of them are made immediately available to the Mathematica environment, interpreted through the R language runtime.
Announcements & Events

Lab and Process Automation with Mathematica in Biotech Research

From the beginning, the founders of the biotechnology startup Emerald Therapeutics wanted to develop an ideal research platform that would allow for lab and process automation during experiments as well as easy communication of their findings. Brian Frezza, Emerald's Co-founder and Co-CEO, says Mathematica's flexible programming language and interactive notebook environment made it the clear choice. The company's scientists and engineers have a shared codebase in Mathematica, which allows them to use one platform for all of the tasks in their antiviral research workflow—from developing functions to processing and storing data, designing and managing experiments, presenting findings, and directly controlling lab instruments. In this video, Frezza takes us into the company's lab to show us the advantages of having Mathematica as the company's core platform, including how it's used to automate experiments.
Announcements & Events

“What Are You Going to Do Next?”
Introducing the Predictive Interface

There aren’t very many qualitatively different types of computer interfaces in use in the world today. But with the release of Mathematica 9 I think we have the first truly practical example of a new kind—the computed predictive interface. If one’s dealing with a system that has a small fixed set of possible actions or […]

Announcements & Events

Mathematica Experts Live: New in Mathematica 9

Curious about Mathematica 9? You can see it in action in three free online events. Our experts will introduce you to new features in usability, computation, data manipulation, and visualization. Live Q&A sessions during each event will give you a chance to ask questions. Topics covered: Predictive Interface and Units: December 10, 1–2pm EST Get a look at the new interface paradigm and systemwide units support. Our experts will demonstrate the next-computation Suggestions Bar, context-sensitive Input Assistant, and units features, from unit conversion to dimensional analysis.   Social Networks and Data Science: December 12, 1–2:30pm EST Learn about Mathematica 9's new social network analysis capabilities with built-in access to social media data, plus other graphs and networks enhancements and new computational features in data science, such as reliability, survival analysis, and random processes.   Data Manipulation and Visualization: December 14, 1–2:30pm EST Get the scoop on new features for image and signal processing, interactive gauges, legends for plots and charts, and integrating with R directly from our experts.  
Announcements & Events

Mathematica 9 Is Released Today!

I’m excited to be able to announce that today we’re releasing Mathematica 9—and it’s big! A whole array of new ideas and new application areas… and major advances along a great many algorithmic frontiers. Next year Mathematica will be 25 years old (and all sorts of festivities are planned!). And in that quarter century we’ve […]

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Code Length Measured in 14 Languages

Update: See our latest post on How the Wolfram Language Measures Up. I stumbled upon a nice project called Rosetta Code. Their stated aim is "to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another." After amusing myself by contributing a few solutions (Flood filling, Mean angle, and Sum digits of an integer being some of mine), I realized that the data hidden in the site provided an opportunity to quantify a claim that I have often made over the years—that Mathematica code tends to be shorter than equivalent code in other languages. This is due to both its high-level nature and built-in computational knowledge. Here is what I found. Mathematica code is typically less than a third of the length of the same tasks written in other languages, and often much better.
Announcements & Events

Developing Light Microscopy Techniques with Mathematica

For Daniel Zicha, head of Light Microscopy at Cancer Research UK, Mathematica is the ultimate tool for biomedical research because it's "quick to develop and then quick to test and visualize the results conveniently and interactively." Zicha uses Mathematica in the development of light microscopy techniques as well as in collaborative research in applications of image processing and analysis methods. Within his collaborative research work in the area of metastasis, Zicha's use of Mathematica to visualize and qualitatively analyze cell morphology led to the discovery of a novel metastasis suppressor. In this video, he describes Mathematica's role in the project and the advantages of having one environment for rapid prototyping, qualitative analysis, and interactive visualization.
Announcements & Events

Enter the Mathematica Experts Live: One-Liner Competition 2012

At the last two annual Wolfram Technology Conferences, attendees have enjoyed amazing, and being amazed by, each other in the One-Liner Competition, which challenges participants to show us the most astounding things they can do with 140 characters or less of Mathematica code. And each time we have been surprised, inspired, and gratified by their creativity. Now we've opened up the competition to you, and Mathematica users from around the world are sending us their submissions. In a Mathematica Experts Live broadcast on August 21, we'll reveal the winner and runners-up of the competition, show you what they did, and explain how they did it. You'll see applications you probably never thought possible, learn new Mathematica tricks and techniques, and have your socks blown off by elegant programming wizardry.
Announcements & Events

Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012

It's back! The only event in which Mathematica experts are live on camera to answer your questions: Mathematica Experts Live. The first Mathematica Experts Live virtual event was such a popular success that we're doing it again. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Many of you asked for help with dynamic interfaces, so this time Mathematica experts will answer questions about interactivity. We'll be ready to answer questions similar to: How do you add a constraint to a Dynamic? My Dynamic is slow. How can I make it faster? What is the difference between Module and DynamicModule? How do you change the visual appearance of a button? How can I make custom controls? Although the format is the same as before, this event will be 30 minutes longer. Our host will accept questions in real time and pass them to three of our user interface experts. You can also submit your question when you register for the event.