Computation & Analysis

Announcing the Winners of the 2014 One-Liner Competition

This year's Wolfram Technology Conference once again included the One-Liner Competition, an opportunity for some of the world's most talented Wolfram Language developers to show us the amazing things you can do with tiny pieces of Wolfram Language code. In previous years, One-Liner submissions were allowed 140 characters and 2D typesetting constructs. This year, in the spirit of Tweet-a-Program, we limited entries to 128-character, tweetable Wolfram Language programs. That's right: we challenged them to write a useful or entertaining program that fits in a single tweet. And the participants rose to the occasion. Entries were blind-judged by a panel of Wolfram Research developers, who awarded two honorable mentions and first, second, and third prizes. One honorable mention went to Michael Sollami for his "Mariner Valley Flyby," which takes you on a flight through the terrain of the Mariner Valley on Mars. The judges were greatly impressed by the idea and the effect. Unfortunately, a small glitch in the program is visible at the start of the output, due to an error in the code. Since Michael's submission is right up against the 128-character limit, it would have taken some clever tweaking to fix it.

Using Arduinos as SystemModeler Components

Explore the contents of this article with a free Wolfram SystemModeler trial. With the new, free ModelPlug library for Wolfram SystemModeler, you can connect Arduino boards to simulations in SystemModeler. Arduinos interface easily with input and output components, so you can integrate them into SystemModeler models, for example, to operate lights, run servos, and monitor sensors, switches, and potentiometers. With the ModelPlug library, you can freely mix hardware and software components in your simulations and use the Arduino as a data acquisition board. If you want to follow along, you can download a trial of SystemModeler. It's also available with a student license, or you can buy a home-use license. All hardware used in this blog post can be bought for less than $50.
Best of Blog

Modeling a Pandemic like Ebola with the Wolfram Language

Data is critical for an objective outlook, but bare data is not a forecast. Scientific models are necessary to predict pandemics, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, market crashes, and other complex aspects of our world. One of the tools for combating the ongoing and tragic Ebola outbreak is to make computer models of the virus's possible spread. By understanding where and how quickly the outbreak is likely to appear, policy makers can put into place effective measures to slow transmissions and ultimately bring the epidemic to a halt. Our goal here is to show how to set up a mathematical model that depicts a global spread of a pandemic, using real-world data. The model would apply to any pandemic, but we will sometimes mention and use current Ebola outbreak data to put the simulation into perspective. The results should not be taken as a realistic quantitative projection of current Ebola pandemic.
Announcements & Events

Wolfram Technology Conference 2014

Wolfram technology users from around the world gathered in Champaign, Illinois, our headquarters, October 21–24, for another successful Wolfram Technology Conference. Attendees got access to the latest information about our emerging technologies and gained insights from colleagues who shared innovative ways of using Wolfram technologies. The conference kicked off with a keynote by Stephen Wolfram, and then rolled right into the other 125 scheduled talks. Also featured were a connected devices playground, "Meet-Ups," social/networking events, small group meetings, roundtable discussions, and tours of Wolfram and the Blue Waters supercomputer at the University of Illinois.
Computation & Analysis

Calling All Goblins: Tweet-a-Program Halloween Code Challenge

Halloween is quickly approaching, and to help you gear up for trick-or-treating, costume parties, and pumpkin carving, we're issuing another Tweet-a-Program Code Challenge! This time, instead of spaceships and planets, we want you to tweet us your spookiest Halloween-themed lines of Wolfram Language code. We'll then use the Wolfram Language to randomly select three winning tweets (and a few of our favorites) to pin, retweet, and share with our followers. Winners will also be awarded a free Wolfram T-shirt! Take some inspiration from these examples, while you come up with your creepy codes:
Announcements & Events

Wolfram Data Summit 2014

This year’s Wolfram Data Summit brought together innovators in data science, creators of connected devices, and leaders of major data repositories for two days of high-level discussion about challenges and opportunities facing the worldwide data community. This annual Summit offers an exclusive group of thought leaders an opportunity to meet and share insights into new and ongoing projects. But in light of the high caliber and exceptionally broad interest of this year’s presentations---and for the first time ever---we are sharing videos of the Summit presentations with the public, including the keynote from Stephen Wolfram, CEO of Wolfram Research and creator of Wolfram|Alpha.
Education & Academic

Martin Gardner’s 100th Birthday

For today's magic show: A century ago, Martin Gardner was born in Oklahoma. He philosophized for his diploma. He wrote on Hex and Tic-Tac-Toe. The Icosian game and polyomino. Flexagons from paper trim, Samuel Loyd, the game of Nim. Digital roots and Soma stairs, mazes, logic, magic squares. Squaring squares, the golden Phi. Solved the spider and the fly.
Education & Academic

Summer Internships

Summer has drawn to a close, and so too have our annual internships. Each year Wolfram welcomes a new group of interns to work on an exciting array of projects ranging all the way from Bell polynomials to food science. It was a season for learning, growth, and making strides across disciplinary and academic divides. The Wolfram interns are an invaluable part of our team, and they couldn't wait to tell us all about their time here. Here are just a few examples of the work that was done.
Education & Academic

First Tweet-a-Program Code Challenge: Space Week

In honor of World Space Week and this year’s theme of satellite navigation, “Space: Guiding Your Way,” we’re issuing a Tweet-a-Program Code Challenge focused on anything to do with space and getting there. You tweet us your "space-iest" line(s) of Wolfram Language code, and then we’ll use the Wolfram Language to randomly select three winning tweets (plus a few favorites) to shower with retweets, pin or post to our wall, and receive a free Wolfram T-shirt! Any space-themed submissions tweeted to us @wolframtap all day Thursday and Friday (12am PDT Thursday, October 9 through 11:59pm PDT Friday, October 10) will be eligible to win. To not waste needed code space, no hashtag is required with your original submission, but we encourage you to share your results by retweeting them with hashtag #wsw2014 and #tapspaceweek. In addition to satellite path tracking and real-time analysis, the Wolfram Language gives you access to all sorts of entities, formulas, and other functionality for astronomical computation and coding---from supernovas, comets, and constellations to the Sun, deep space, and other galaxies. Maybe you want to remix the planets and their colors, as Stephen Wolfram did in one of his first Tweet-a-Program tweets: