A brilliant aspect of the Wolfram Language is that not only you can do virtually anything with it, you can also do whatever you want in many different ways. You can choose the method you prefer, or even better, try several methods to understand your problem from different perspectives.
For example, when drawing a graphic, we usually specify the coordinates of its points or elements. But sometimes it's simpler to express the graphic as a collection of relative displacements: move a distance
r in a direction forming an angle
θ with respect to the direction of the segment constructed in the previous step. This is known as turtle graphics in computer graphics, and is basically what the new function
AnglePath does. If all steps have the same length, use AnglePath[{
θ2,...}] to specify the angles. If each step has a different length, use AnglePath[{{r1,
θ2}, ...}] to give the pairs {length, angle}. That's it. Let's see some results.