Announcements & Events

Interactive Pythagoras Trees with webMathematica 3

I wanted to build a simple web application for manipulating and exporting Pythagoras trees to make posters and desktop wallpaper, and so I turned to the new features of webMathematica 3. webMathematica is a web application framework released by Wolfram Research. It allows users to write web pages using Mathematica, seamlessly integrating Mathematica code with HTML and JavaScript. webMathematica 3, the new version released on September 15, introduces several new features such as a web version of the popular Manipulate command and a way to evaluate Mathematica code asynchronously, without delaying page loading.
Announcements & Events

webMathematica 3 Is Now Available

We are pleased to announce the release of webMathematica 3 today. Innovative new performance and development features make webMathematica 3 the ultimate tool for adding dynamic content to the web. The new version makes it faster and easier to build websites that allow users to compute and visualize results directly from a web browser. webMathematica 3 is the deployment technology that makes Wolfram|Alpha, the groundbreaking online computational knowledge engine, possible. Wolfram|Alpha visitors can tap into Mathematica's computational and graphics abilities without having Mathematica experience or Mathematica itself.
Best of Blog

Twisted Architecture

I didn't set out to tie knots in Norman Foster's Hearst Tower or wrinkle his Gherkin, but I got carried away. It's one of the occupational hazards of working with Mathematica. It started with an innocent experiment in lofting, a technique also known as "skinning" that originated in boat-building. I wanted to explore some three-dimensional forms, and a basic lofting function seemed like a quick ticket to results. I dashed off the function Loft, which takes a stack of three-dimensional contours and covers it with a skin of polygons.
Education & Academic


Number 9, number 9, number 9. The Beatles' "Revolution 9" has the above loop, and their version of Rock Band is being released today. The movie 9 comes out today, too. When a number has a lot of nines in it, like .99999999999999999, many computer systems can run into rounding problems. Fortunately, Mathematica can handle both exact and numeric forms. Here are exact forms of various numbers whose numeric forms have lots of nines.
Design & Visualization

Wolfram Research at SIGGRAPH 2009

Are you a die-hard video gamer? Can you spend hours at a time sacrificing sleep to play your favorite real-time action console game? Or maybe you find yourself captivated by the amazing animation found in movies such as Pixar's latest release, Up. Whatever your form of diversion, have you ever stopped to wonder what makes 3D games so realistic or how Pixar managed to animate thousands of balloons lifting Carl's house? We at Wolfram Research have the inside scoop—it's all about the math and physics.
Education & Academic

Could Mathematica Help Prevent Future Housing Crises?

Fannie Mae financial economist Bernard Gress attributes part of the current economic crisis to reliance on outdated statistical models. He's taking a fresh approach to the problem---using Mathematica to create a genetic algorithm system for predicting economic data related to housing prices. In this video, he describes the advantages of developing new mortgage forecasting models with Mathematica.
Announcements & Events

International Mathematica User Conference 2009

Do you want to meet other Mathematica users? Are you excited to learn more about Wolfram|Alpha? We are pleased to announce that this year's International Mathematica User Conference will be held October 22–24 in Champaign, Illinois, USA. The annual conference is a great place to talk to Mathematica developers and enthusiasts about different projects and ideas using Wolfram Research products.