Mathematica News

Announcements & Events

Digging into River-Aquifer Interactions with Mathematica

As a PhD candidate in civil engineering, Diego Oviedo-Salcedo needed a computational environment that he could use to not only explore the abstract concepts within his civil engineering research, but also to present and communicate his findings to his advisor, peers, and decision-makers. His solution: Mathematica. Mathematica's enhanced built-in statistical analysis capabilities allow Oviedo-Salcedo to instantly test different ideas and methods related to assessing the impact of uncertain physical and hydrological sources on river and aquifer interactions. In addition, Mathematica's easy-to-author interactivity helps him communicate his results with dynamic models—a feature that's proven to be eye-opening within his department.
Announcements & Events

One Year of Daily Tips from @MathematicaTip

It's been one year since we launched our Twitter feed for bite-sized Mathematica hints and tips! Thousands of people follow @MathematicaTip to get a new tip every day, Monday through Friday, covering everything from keyboard shortcuts:

Instead of using % to refer to the most recent output, try Ctrl+Shift+L (Mac: Cmd+Shift+L) to directly insert the output from above.

— MathematicaTip (@MathematicaTip) October 10, 2011
Best of Blog

10 Tips for Writing Fast Mathematica Code

When people tell me that Mathematica isn't fast enough, I usually ask to see the offending code and often find that the problem isn't a lack in Mathematica's performance, but sub-optimal use of Mathematica. I thought I would share the list of things that I look for first when trying to optimize Mathematica code. 1. Use floating-point numbers if you can, and use them early. Of the most common issues that I see when I review slow code is that the programmer has inadvertently asked Mathematica to do things more carefully than needed. Unnecessary use of exact arithmetic is the most common case. In most numerical software, there is no such thing as exact arithmetic. 1/3 is the same thing as 0.33333333333333. That difference can be pretty important when you hit nasty, numerically unstable problems, but in the majority of tasks, floating-point numbers are good enough and, importantly, much faster. In Mathematica any number with a decimal point and less than 16 digits of input is automatically treated as a machine float, so always use the decimal point if you want speed ahead of accuracy (e.g. enter a third as 1./3.). Here is a simple example where working with floating-point numbers is nearly 50.6 times faster than doing the computation exactly and then converting the result to a decimal afterward. And in this case it gets the same result.
Announcements & Events

Interactive Pythagoras Trees with webMathematica 3

I wanted to build a simple web application for manipulating and exporting Pythagoras trees to make posters and desktop wallpaper, and so I turned to the new features of webMathematica 3. webMathematica is a web application framework released by Wolfram Research. It allows users to write web pages using Mathematica, seamlessly integrating Mathematica code with HTML and JavaScript. webMathematica 3, the new version released on September 15, introduces several new features such as a web version of the popular Manipulate command and a way to evaluate Mathematica code asynchronously, without delaying page loading.
Announcements & Events

Quick-Starting Mathematica with Palettes

I have taught collegiate mathematics for more than 20 years and have used Mathematica for 15 or so of these years to explore, learn and teach. For the last eight years Mathematica has been my primary tool to write all of my exams, handouts, letters, reports, papers, presentations and even a complete electronic textbook. New features introduced recently have been revolutionary in the teaching and learning environment and make possible the creation of materials that integrate text, typeset mathematics and interactive figures, which can be created efficiently and used effectively in ways not possible with other software tools. For faculty and students to benefit from using Mathematica in the teaching and learning process, they must be able to use Mathematica sufficiently well to remain focused on course concepts and not become frustrated by the technology. Without question, the main challenge I face teaching new users how to use Mathematica is helping them master the task of creating syntactically correct commands, followed closely by the challenge of teaching how to use Mathematica to write rich documents that combine text, typeset mathematics and figures. When the use of technology gets in the way of the teaching, learning and writing about content, which should remain the focus of academic learning, then all involved in the teaching and learning process experience frustration! If enough example commands are provided, if the ways of Mathematica are carefully explained, and if patient help is readily available, then some new users are able to work their way up the learning curve and reach a point where they can focus on the subject matter and are able to comfortably use Mathematica to explore, learn, teach and write about the concepts. Members of this group are often able to independently deepen their understanding and use of Mathematica by relying on the Wolfram Mathematica Documentation Center and other resources; but not enough new users reach this level of Mathematica knowledge and thus do not experience firsthand the marvelous capabilities of Mathematica to explore, investigate, learn, teach and write about interesting ideas!
Announcements & Events

Surprise! Mathematica 7.0 Released Today!

In the middle of last year, we finished our decade-long project to reinvent Mathematica, and we released Mathematica 6. We introduced a great many highly visible innovations in Mathematica 6—like dynamic interactivity and computable data. But we were also building a quite unprecedented platform for developing software. And even long before Mathematica 6 was released, we […]

Announcements & Events

Mathematica Turns 20 Today

Today is an important anniversary for me and our company. Twenty years ago today—at noon (Pacific Time) on Thursday, June 23, 1988—Mathematica 1.0 was officially launched. Much has changed in the world since then, particularly when it comes to computer technology. But I’m happy to be able to say that Mathematica still seems as modern […]

Announcements & Events

Get Coordinates: New in 6.0.2

Many new features in Mathematica are manifested in new functions with definite names, but some are not so prominent. You might miss one of the new features that I implemented for Mathematica 6.0.2---but it’s really useful, and so I thought I’d write about it here. Let’s say you have a plot, or some other kind of graphic. You see something in the graphic---some special point---and you want to know where that is, what its (x, y) coordinates are. In earlier versions of Mathematica, there were primitive ways to find this out. Now in Mathematica 6.0.2 there’s a nice, clean, general way to do it. Open the Drawing Tools palette (from the Graphics menu, or by typing CTRL-d or CTRL-t). Choose the “Get Coordinates” tool at the upper right.