Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

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aMAZEing Image Processing in Mathematica

A little over a mile from the Wolfram Research Europe Ltd. office, where I work, lies Blenheim Palace, which has a rather nice hedge maze. As I was walking around it on the weekend, I remembered a map solving example by Peter Overmann using new image processing features in an upcoming version of Mathematica. I was excited to apply the idea to this real-world example. Once back at my computer, I started by using Bing Maps to get the aerial photo (data created by Intermap, NAVTEQ, and Getmapping plc). The maze is meant to depict a cannon with cannon balls below it and flags and trumpets above.
Announcements & Events

Remembering Jerry Uhl

Wolfram Research is saddened to announce the passing of Jerry Uhl, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the University of Illinois. Jerry's scholarly contributions to the field of mathematics are numerous, but we will remember him best for his passion for education and mathematics reform, which led him to the development of the Calculus&Mathematica program that is still used today by progressive math programs. For his support of Mathematica and his innovation in math education, Wolfram Research presented Jerry with the first Mathematica Pioneer Award in 2008. The following video was made for the presentation of that award.
Announcements & Events

Benoît Mandelbrot

Twenty-five years ago, the Mandelbrot set was published on the cover of Scientific American, in connection with an A. K. Dewdney Computer Recreations column. A few days ago, the original Mandelbrot set column was re-released. The Mandelbrot set became a rite of passage for anyone programming mathematical images. For me, I was making images on a Mac Plus, and sent some of them out in a zine I was running at the time. As a result, Piers Anthony asked me to help get fractal images and facts for his Mode series. In the course of this, Piers and I asked for and received permission to use the Mandelbrot set from Benoît himself. "You probably don't need my permission, but I'm happy to grant it to you."
Computation & Analysis

World Statistics Day

As a society, we seem to love data. We slice it, dice it, aggregate it, and analyze it. It tells us about the people, places, and things around us and around the world. It informs public policies and the public. It's easy to take for granted official statistics collected and presented by government agencies or statistics collected by non-governmental curators, because data seems to be everywhere, but it's important to remember that it takes a huge amount of work to collect that data and provide it in a usable form. World Statistics Day is a good time to remember that hard work and the impact information from the collected data has on our daily life.
Announcements & Events

Day Two of the Wolfram Technology Conference 2010

Another great day at the Wolfram Technology Conference 2010! Wolfram Co-founder Theodore Gray kicked off the morning with his presentation on ebook publishing. Using his own ebook The Elements, he demonstrated how he used Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha to create a publication that is uniquely interactive and has been a runaway success with consumers, ranking #1 in the Apple Store. According to Theo, his company Touch Press is working on several more ebooks already.
Announcements & Events

Celebration of Mind

Back on May 27, we wrote a remembrance of Martin Gardner. He would have been 96 on October 21, which has prompted the worldwide event, Celebration of Mind. If you look at the event map, you'll see the locations for over 50 events. Some of the 30 event locations in the United States include: Stanford University, to which Martin donated all his mathematical correspondence; MAA headquarters in Washington, DC; Magic Castle, in Los Angeles; and Fort Lauderdale, with an event hosted by James Randi. Here is an ambigram with the event logo, which was designed by Scott Kim. The logo is rotationally symmetric.