Announcements & Events

Introducing the New Wolfram Screencast & Video Gallery

Did you know that we have more than 600 videos and screencasts that highlight (and help you get started with) different features of Mathematica and other Wolfram technologies? You've probably seen a number of them across our websites or on our YouTube channels. But now, it's easier than ever to explore the full collection—thanks to our newly redesigned Wolfram Screencast & Video Gallery.

Visualize a Satellite Path with Wolfram SystemModeler and Mathematica

Explore the contents of this article with a free Wolfram SystemModeler trial.Today we rely heavily on satellites orbiting Earth for a variety of purposes. Mapping satellites are used to collect satellite images used in maps. Communication satellites are used for both telecommunication and internet access or for navigation services like GPS and GLONASS. Other usage areas are weather study, scientific observation, and reconnaissance. The following model, created in Wolfram SystemModeler, is of a geocentric, inclined circular Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. Geocentric means that it orbits around the Earth. An inclined circular orbit means that the orbit follows a circle, but is not aligned with the equator of the Earth. LEO is the name given to the altitude range below 2,000 kilometers (1,200 miles). Suppose you are considering using this geocentric LEO satellite to collect image data. To achieve this, you would want to know where it is at the moment, how high it is, and how fast it's going. If you want images of cities, you want to know over which cities it currently is. A SystemModeler model combined with data and computational resources in Mathematica can answer all of these questions. Creating such a model is straightforward in SystemModeler. Using drag-and-drop, create three subsystems. Model the Earth using a mass with constant rotation, the satellite using a mass with propulsion forces, and the control logic using two proportional derivative (PD) controllers. This blog post focuses on illustrating the orbit and flight of the satellite in the above model.
Announcements & Events

Enter the Mathematica Experts Live: One-Liner Competition 2012

At the last two annual Wolfram Technology Conferences, attendees have enjoyed amazing, and being amazed by, each other in the One-Liner Competition, which challenges participants to show us the most astounding things they can do with 140 characters or less of Mathematica code. And each time we have been surprised, inspired, and gratified by their creativity. Now we've opened up the competition to you, and Mathematica users from around the world are sending us their submissions. In a Mathematica Experts Live broadcast on August 21, we'll reveal the winner and runners-up of the competition, show you what they did, and explain how they did it. You'll see applications you probably never thought possible, learn new Mathematica tricks and techniques, and have your socks blown off by elegant programming wizardry.

Battery Model and Analysis with Wolfram SystemModeler

Explore the contents of this article with a free Wolfram SystemModeler trial. How do different activities such as making phone calls, watching video, listening to music, or browsing the web affect cell phone battery life? What about the temperature—does it matter if the cell phone is in a warm pocket or out in the cold? In this blog post, we'll investigate how a model constructed with Wolfram SystemModeler can help in finding answers to such questions. An area where battery usage is taking off right now is cell phones. There are different kinds of battery types used in cell phones: nickel metal hydride, lithium-polymer, and Li-ion. The superior energy density, power density, low self-discharge, and long cycle life of the Li-ion batteries makes them interesting for cell phone applications. In this blog post, we'll look at Li-ion cells of the type LiFePO4, where lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge and the other way around when charging. The are many types of battery models: analytical, electrical circuits, electrochemical, and combinations of these types. Our model of choice is the electrical circuit model, which provides sufficient accuracy for top-level performance analysis and is easy to connect to other systems. A typical schematic for an electrical circuit model of a battery cell might look something like this:
Announcements & Events

Winners of Wolfram’s First Demonstrations School Coding Competition Announced

Wolfram Research today announced the winner of its first Demonstrations competition as Michael Lawson from Ermysted's Grammar School, North Yorkshire, with runners-up Patrick Stevens, Woodbridge School, Suffolk and David Harris, St. Dunstan's College, London. Michael's Demonstration, "Recursive Dungeon Generator," was a particularly good showcase for applications of programming---in this instance, for game design. "I was working on creating my own Rogue-like game, and I was experimenting with different ways to generate rooms. This was one of my own algorithm ideas," said Michael, who, although he has been programming for four years, only started using Mathematica recently. "I actually only learned how to use Mathematica for the purpose of the competition. I started creating my demo after having only watched a few of the videos recommended for entrants, and then finished about four days later!" All three of the winning entries are published on the Wolfram Demonstrations Project site alongside 8,000 other user-created programs. "Recursive Dungeon Generation” "Semitones In Pythagorean Tuning and 12 Tone Equal Temperament” "Sorting Algorithms” The idea of the competition was to promote the application of programming in schools and support the UK government initiative to bring programming into schools.

Building a Refrigerator Model in Wolfram SystemModeler

Explore the contents of this article with a free Wolfram SystemModeler trial. Refrigerators and freezers are common household appliances, present in almost every home. That means most people use one every day, but how do they actually work? And what happens to the temperature when you open the door? Or when the power goes out during a storm? Those are some of the questions this blog post seeks to answer by building a refrigerator model in Wolfram SystemModeler. A common way to construct a combined refrigerator and freezer is to keep the freezer compartment cool with a heat pump and to then transfer some of the air to the fridge compartment. That way only one heat pump is needed, and both compartments can be kept at different temperatures. The following diagram shows our goal: modeling a connected freezer and fridge complete with doors, casing, food contents, and a heat pump. At the top we see the freezer compartment together with the heat pump that cools the air, some frozen food in the freezer, and a door for the freezer. At the bottom we see a similar structure for the fridge. The two are connected with a component for air circulation at the middle right of the diagram, which will transfer cold air from the freezer to the fridge. Finally, to the left, we have components modeling the casing and insulation to the room temperature outside.
Computation & Analysis

Tracking the World Records

With the 2012 Olympics upon us, and records waiting to be broken, it might be a good time to consider some aspects of track and field. I need to write this now, because once the track part of the Games is underway, I fully intend to spend quality time with a television set. Why do I like track? Well, what school sport might one take up if one is (read: was) scrawny and not very (read: very not) coordinated? I will focus on men's track, but the gist of this almost certainly applies to women's as well. We'll look at speeds of world records and how they change as the distances get longer. I'll start with a Demonstration by my Wolfram Research colleague Sy Blinder, "How Fast Can You Run?" The Demonstration shows that speeds follow an interesting pattern, which is covered by me here. Along the way I will also inadvertently reveal that I know nothing whatever about data modeling. To underscore the comment about records being broken, I will point out that several of the record times listed in Blinder's Demonstration are already out of date. Below is a current list, of the form {distance, time} measured in {meters, seconds}. I omitted the less common distances because they might not be indicative of the best possible efforts, even among elite athletes.
Education & Academic

On the Importance of Being Edgy—Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Problems with Sharp Edges

(This is the first post in a three-part series about electrostatic and magnetostatic problems involving sharp edges.) Mathematica can do a lot of different computations. Easy and complicated ones, numeric and symbolic ones, applied and theoretical ones, small and large ones. All by carrying out a Mathematica program. Wolfram|Alpha too carries out a lot of computations (actually, tens of millions every day), all specified through free-form inputs, not Mathematica programs. Wolfram|Alpha is heavily based on Mathematica, and many of the mathematical calculations that Wolfram|Alpha carries out rely on the mathematical power of Mathematica. And while Wolfram|Alpha can carry out a vast amount of calculations, it cannot carry out all possible calculations, either because it does not (yet) know how to do a calculation or because the (underlying Mathematica) calculation would take a longer time than available through Wolfram|Alpha. So for a detailed investigation of a more complicated engineering, physics, or chemistry problem, having a copy of Mathematica handy is mandatory. But there is also the reverse relation between Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha: Wolfram|Alpha's knowledge, especially its data knowledge, allows it to carry out investigations and calculations that can substantially increase the power of pure Mathematica. And all of this is because Wolfram|Alpha's knowledge is accessible through the WolframAlpha[] function within Mathematica.
Announcements & Events

Mathematica Experts Live: Dynamic Interfaces Q&A 2012

It's back! The only event in which Mathematica experts are live on camera to answer your questions: Mathematica Experts Live. The first Mathematica Experts Live virtual event was such a popular success that we're doing it again. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. Many of you asked for help with dynamic interfaces, so this time Mathematica experts will answer questions about interactivity. We'll be ready to answer questions similar to: How do you add a constraint to a Dynamic? My Dynamic is slow. How can I make it faster? What is the difference between Module and DynamicModule? How do you change the visual appearance of a button? How can I make custom controls? Although the format is the same as before, this event will be 30 minutes longer. Our host will accept questions in real time and pass them to three of our user interface experts. You can also submit your question when you register for the event.