Leading Edge

Creating My Website with Mathematica

As readers of this blog might know, I have an unhealthy interest in the chemical elements. And Mathematica. The combination means that all my element-related projects are created using almost no tools other than Mathematica. It’s not that I use it because I feel like I should---I certainly use other programs when appropriate (Photoshop, for example). It’s just that Mathematica is the best available tool for many of the things I want to do. Really. My latest project is the website periodictable.com. Let me say right off the bat that this is a fabulous domain name. It took me months of convincing and no small amount of cash to acquire it. It really deserves to host the definitive online periodic table reference website, not just another run-of-the-mill online periodic table, of which there are thousands. Take a quick look at it here.
Announcements & Events

Hidden in Plain Sight

Last month, we hosted our annual technology conference here at our headquarters in Champaign, Illinois, where hundreds of Mathematica users from around the world came to show us what they’ve been working on and to see what we’ve been up to. A lot of the conference presentations are now available on our website, so you can take a look at them even if you didn’t have a chance to attend this year.
Computation & Analysis

A Thousand Points of Light

The spinthariscope, invented and beautifully named by William Crookes in 1903, is a device for seeing individual atoms. Or at least, seeing the death of individual atoms. A spinthariscope consists of a needle, similar to a watch hand, positioned in front of a zinc sulfide luminous screen, with a magnifying glass focused on the screen. At the end of the needle is a small patch of radioactive material. Originally radium was used; more recently polonium, uranium and americium have been found to be safer.
Announcements & Events

The Prize Is Won; The Simplest Universal Turing Machine Is Proved

“And although it will no doubt be very difficult to prove, it seems likely that this Turing machine will in the end turn out to be universal.” So I wrote on page 709 of A New Kind of Science (NKS). I had searched the computational universe for the simplest possible universal Turing machine. And I […]


The Day That Documents and Applications Merged

My announcement last Thursday that you can publish almost any Mathematica notebook so it’s interactive in our free Wolfram Player brings about much more of a change than you might first think. In my Technology Conference talk, I explained how this new Publish for Wolfram Player service removes one of the last hurdles to making new applications as everyday as new documents. And in turn that initiates a new era of communicating technical ideas.
Education & Academic

Arithmetic Is Hard—To Get Right

I’ve been working on arithmetic in Mathematica for more than 12 years. You might think that’s silly; after all, how hard can arithmetic be? Today we were reminded again about how hard it can be. A nasty little bug in Excel 2007 came to light, whereby the result of computing, for example, 850*77.1 is displayed as 100000: Of course, this works just fine in Mathematica: But why is arithmetic so difficult to get right?
Computation & Analysis

Wolfram Research Goes to Hollywood

Every Friday night at 10pm US Eastern Time, around 12 million people tune in to CBS and watch a hit television show called NUMB3RS. It’s the most popular CBS drama on Friday nights. NUMB3RS tracks the crime-solving exploits of an FBI team assisted by a brilliant mathematics professor. The show is about how to use math to solve crimes. If you add up all the bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees awarded in mathematics in a given US academic year, there are only around 20 thousand. And presumably, not every single one of them watches this show. So why are 12 million people tuning in on a regular basis to watch a show about math? Because this show makes math---especially cutting-edge higher mathematics---interesting in a way that no popular television show has done before, much as another show on CBS---CSI: Crime Scene Investigation---led the way in making science both accessible and entertaining to the mass television market. NUMB3RS is therefore the first successful television drama to make advanced mathematics accessible, interesting and entertaining in a dramatic format. So how did that happen? Where does the TV math come from? From the behind-the-scenes brain trust at Wolfram Research.