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Using AI for Thematic Analysis: Analyzing Coroner Reports with LLMs
Thanksgiving Day the Wolfram Way
Announcing the 2024 Wolfram Innovator Award Winners
Each year, Wolfram seeks out computational innovators and honors their work during the Wolfram Technology Conference with the Wolfram Innovator Awards. It is a pleasure to see creativity and technology concentrated in these projects that break boundaries and push others to ask “What’s possible?”
Without further ado, we present and congratulate the 2024 Wolfram Innovator Award winners.From Learning to Leading: A Chemist’s Guide to Wolfram Technologies
Prepare to Be a Professional: A Wolfram Guide for Postgraduates and More
It’s a beautiful spring day. Your robe and cap are a little itchy, but you don’t mind. You know your family will be taking an excessive amount of pictures, but that’s OK. You are graduating! Years of dedication and hard work have paid off and you’re about to walk across the stage with your diploma and start summer vacation! Wait—summer vacation? Do you even have a summer vacation now? What’s next? Should you look for a job or should you focus on bolstering your resume first? So many questions….