Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Special Event: Solving Image Processing Problems

Satellite images, MRIs, live video feeds, and your family vacation photos can sometimes need light or heavy-duty touchups. Finding features, removing backgrounds, filtering for noise, and fixing oddities are common image processing problems for all sorts of 2D and 3D images. Luckily, the Wolfram Language can help you solve them.

Join us for a free special virtual event, Solving Image Processing Problems: Wolfram Language Virtual Workshop, on June 22, 2016, 1–3pm US EDT (5–7pm GMT). Learn how to tackle problems involving images using current and upcoming features of the Wolfram Language and Mathematica 11. Also engage in interactive Q&A with the workshop’s hosts, Wolfram Language experts Shadi Ashnai and Markus van Almsick.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa The Unleaning Tower of Pisa, courtesy of a few lines of Wolfram Language code

Do you recognize the famous image on the left? It’s the Leaning Tower of Pisa. On the right is the same image—but minus the leaning, courtesy of a few lines of Wolfram Language code. Throughout the workshop, we will explore numerous techniques to solve common image processing problems, including segmentation, filtering, registration, color processing, and morphological operations. Often in one or two lines of code, Wolfram technology can transform any 2D image or 3D model and extract important details and data.

From generating heat maps of an object’s motion to quantifying anatomy, we will highlight fascinating applications of Wolfram’s powerful built-in toolset that can be applied to countless areas, including your own personal projects.

A heat map of an object's motion, created with the Wolfram Language Images of human knee anatomy, created from data in the Wolfram Language knowledgebase

To join us at the free virtual event on June 22, 2016, 1–3pm US EDT (5–7pm GMT), please register here. All are welcome, with no prior experience in image processing or the Wolfram Language necessary.


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