Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Date Archive: 2022 October

Announcements & Events

Winners of the 2022 One-Liner and Get Visual Competitions

For 11 years, it has been tradition for the Wolfram Technology Conference to push our users to go above and beyond in Wolfram Language with our annual One-Liner Competition. In the competition, users are given a limit of 140 characters to create the most incredible output, which is then judged blindly based on brevity, aesthetics and original use of Wolfram Language.
Announcements & Events

Announcing the 2022 Wolfram Innovator Award Winners

Our annual Wolfram Technology Conference returned to an in-person gathering October 18–21, 2022, in our headquarter city of Champaign, Illinois, USA. One of our very favorite events that took place during the conference was the Innovator Award ceremony and keynote dinner, where Stephen Wolfram recognized eight exceptional individuals and teams from across fields, disciplines and the world for their computational excellence applying Wolfram technologies in innovative and exciting ways.
Announcements & Events

New in 13.1: Chemical Representations and Pattern Reactions

Last year we released Version 13.0 of the Wolfram Language. Here are the updates in chemical representations and symbolic pattern reactions since then, including the latest features in 13.1.


Representing Amounts of Chemicals

Molecule lets one symbolically represent a molecule. Quantity lets one symbolically represent a quantity with units. In Version 13.1 we now have the new construct ChemicalInstance that’s in effect a merger of these, allowing one to represent a certain quantity of a certain chemical.
Announcements & Events

Wolfram CloudConnector: Excel’s Data Science Superpower

Love it or hate it, Excel is used the world over for everything from quickly adding a couple of numbers together to accidentally losing tens of thousands of COVID-19 cases in the UK. But if you’ve ever had to use Excel for anything beyond INDEX MATCH (or *shudder* VLOOKUP), you’ve probably found yourself nonstop Googling only to find out Excel isn’t really built for what you're doing.
Education & Academic

A Day in the Life of the Wolfram High School Summer Camp

In July 2022, we officially began the annual Wolfram High School Summer Camp with a single mission: sharpen the campers’ minds and dive deep into topics for the betterment of the future of the world. All campers can agree that this was a life-changing experience. The first mission of camp? Get to know the Zoom Overlords—the camp directors—who marshaled campers through all the activities. Camp challenges started right away!