Date Archive: 2021 July

Computation & Analysis

From Plant Roots to Deep Space Wolfram Community Computational Explorations

For the past few months, Wolfram Community members have shared their computational explorations on topics ranging from computational art and games to original, published research. I’ll comment here on just a few of their many interesting examples. Please feel free to share your ideas with us at Wolfram Community, and let’s explore the world computationally.
Education & Academic

Using Neural Networks to Boost Student Learning in Chemistry

I attended the Wolfram Neural Networks Boot Camp 2020, and that inspired me to incorporate elements of data science and machine learning in my course. The helper functions for machine learning make it quite easy to experiment and introduce such applications to students. We chose to perform image recognition and classification problems that are routinely used to initiate the topics of both neural networks and machine learning.
Education & Academic

Get Ready for College or University with the Early Access for Students Program

Are you planning to start university or college next year? If you’re anything like me, making that next step in your education can be a daunting prospect. Some of you might be worried about being able to keep up with your new classmates, others about maintaining a position at the top of the class—and plenty of you probably fall somewhere in the middle.