Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

The Winner of the GOP Presidential Debate

A few days ago, Fox News hosted the first presidential primary debate of 2016. The candidates met onstage, vying for support from the GOP electorate. Among the cacophony and crafty messaging, a truly artful winner has emerged: word clouds.

The WordCloud function (1 of 5000+ functions) in the Wolfram Language allows anyone to visualize words, sized by their frequency in a text. With a mere line of code, you can create a compelling word cloud graphic from data, text, or URLs.

But don’t take my word for it; let’s make the WordCloud function earn your support. Here you’ll find each candidate’s transcript from the debate in WordCloud form (click any image to enlarge it):

Jeb Bush WordCloud Ben Carson WordCloud Chris Christe WordCloud Ted Cruz WordCloud Mike Huckabee WordCloud John Kasich WordCloud Rand Paul WordCloud Marco Rubio WordCloud Donald Trump WordCloud Scott Walker WordCloud Image Map

If WordCloud hasn’t won your vote yet, stay tuned for our new site—newscloud.wolfram.com—where we hope to earn your support with visualizations of future debates, current events, and more.


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  1. I would like a wordcloud for all transcripts combined!

  2. How about making one based on all the wordclouds generated by the wordcloud function?
