Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge


Launching the Wolfram Connected Devices Project

Connected devices are central to our long-term strategy of injecting sophisticated computation and knowledge into everything. With the Wolfram Language we now have a way to describe and compute about things in the world. Connected devices are what we need to measure and interface with those things. In the end, we want every type of […]

Announcements & Events

Wolfram Year in Review: 2013

Before we dive completely into 2014, we'd like to take a minute to look back on some of the biggest announcements and most interesting stories that we shared on the Wolfram Blog this past year. Below are the top 10 most popular Wolfram Blog posts of 2013, with a few honorable mentions thrown in for good measure. Take a look---there are bound to be a few that you missed.
Education & Academic

Centenary of Bohr’s Atomic Theory (1913–2013)

I had intended to write a treatise describing the history of the hydrogen atom over the last 100 years. Unfortunately, my time is running out this year, so I will content myself instead with this much briefer blog post outlining the major events associated with Niels Bohr's three epochal papers in 1913. The hydrogen atom has been the most fundamental application at each level in the advancement of quantum theory. It is the only real physical system that can be solved exactly (although some might argue that this is also true for the radiation field, as an assembly of harmonic oscillators).

“Happy Holidays”, the Wolfram Language Way

I have the good fortune of knowing many people, which means I end up sending out lots of holiday cards. For many years I used to send out physical cards. But last year, convenience, timeliness and ease of reply made me finally make the switch to e-cards. I often like to write notes on the […]

Education & Academic

Delivering Computer-Based Math™ to the World

The 2013 Computer-Based Math™ Education Summit, one of the world's pivotal forums for global math education reform, took place this past November 21--22 in New York City's UNICEF Headquarters. Over 130 attendees gathered from across the globe and all aspects of education, including teachers, researchers, and policymakers, in order to tackle the changing landscape of primary and secondary school mathematics education worldwide.
Education & Academic

Looking Beyond the “Hour of Code”

For many years, Wolfram Research has promoted and supported initiatives that encourage computation, programming, and STEM education, and we are always thrilled when efforts are taken by others to do the same. As sponsors of organizations like Computer-Based Math™, which is working toward building a completely new math curriculum with computer-based computation at its heart, and the Mathematica Summer Camp, where high school students with limited programming experience learn to code using Mathematica, we're probably more acutely aware than most of how important programming is in schools today.