Announcements & Events

What Can You Say in One Line of the Wolfram Language? The 2017 One-Liner Competition

The One-Liner Competition is a tradition at our annual Wolfram Technology Conference, which took place at our headquarters in Champaign, Illinois, two weeks ago. We challenge attendees to show us the most impressive effects they can achieve with 128 characters or fewer of Wolfram Language code. We are never disappointed, and often surprised by what they show us can be done with the language we work so hard to develop—the language we think is the world's most powerful and fun. This year's winning submissions included melting flags, computer vision and poetry. Read on to see how far you can go with just a few characters of Wolfram Language code...
Announcements & Events

From Aircraft to Optics: Wolfram Innovator Awards 2017

As is tradition at the annual Wolfram Technology Conference, we recognize exceptional users and organizations for their innovative usage of our technologies across a variety of disciplines and fields. Nominated candidates undergo a vetting process, and are then evaluated by a panel of experts to determine winners. This year we're excited to announce the recipients of the 2017 Wolfram Innovator Awards.

Announcements & Events

Inside Scoops from the 2017 Wolfram Technology Conference

Two weeks ago at the Wolfram Technology Conference, a diverse lineup of hands-on training, workshops, talks and networking events were impressively orchestrated over the course of four days, culminating in a one-of-a-kind annual experience for users and enthusiasts of Wolfram technologies. It was a unique experience where researchers and professionals interacted directly with those who build each component of the Wolfram technology stack---Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, the Wolfram Language, Wolfram SystemModeler, Wolfram Enterprise Private Cloud and everything in between.
Computation & Analysis

Building the Automated Data Scientist: The New Classify and Predict

Automated Data Science

Imagine a baker connecting a data science application to his database and asking it, "How many croissants are we going to sell next Sunday?" The application would simply answer, "According to your recorded data and other factors such as the predicted weather, there is a 90% chance that between 62 and 67 croissants will be sold." The baker could then plan accordingly. This is an example of an automated data scientist, a system to which you could throw arbitrary data and get insights or predictions in return. One key component in making this a reality is the ability to learn a predictive model without specifications from humans besides the data. In the Wolfram Language, this is the role of the functions Classify and Predict. For example, let's train a classifier to recognize morels from hedgehog mushrooms:
Best of Blog

Notebooks in Your Pocket—Wolfram Player for iOS Is Now Shipping

Ten months ago, I announced the beginning of our open beta program for Wolfram Player for iOS. The beta is over, and we are now shipping Wolfram Player in the App Store. Wolfram Player for iOS joins Wolfram CDF Player on Windows, Mac and Linux as a free platform for sharing your notebook content with the world. Wolfram Player is the first native computational notebook experience ever on iOS. You can now take your notebooks with you and play them offline. Wolfram Player supports notebooks running interfaces backed by Version 11.1 of the Wolfram Language---an 11.2 release will come shortly. Wolfram Player includes the same kernel that you would find in any desktop or cloud release of the Wolfram Language.
Design & Visualization

Computational Microscopy with the Wolfram Language

Microscopes were invented almost four hundred years ago. But today, there's a revolution in microscopy (as in so many other fields) associated with computation. We've been working hard to make the Wolfram Language a definitive platform for the emerging field of computational microscopy. It all starts with getting an image of some kind---whether from a light or x-ray microscope, transmission electron microscope (TEM), confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM), two-photon excitation or a scanning electron microscope (SEM), as well as many more. You can then proceed to enhance images, reconstruct objects and perform measurements, detection, recognition and classification. At last month's Microscopy & Microanalysis conference, we showed various examples of this pipeline, starting with a Zeiss microscope and a ToupTek digital camera.
Announcements & Events

It’s Another Impressive Release! Launching Version 11.2 Today

Our Latest R&D Output I’m excited today to announce the latest output from our R&D pipeline: Version 11.2 of the Wolfram Language and Mathematica—available immediately on desktop (Mac, Windows, Linux) and cloud. It was only this spring that we released Version 11.1. But after the summer we’re now ready for another impressive release—with all kinds […]

Education & Academic

How Laplace Would Hide a Goat: The New Science of Magic Windows

Last week, I read Michael Berry’s paper, “Laplacian Magic Windows.” Over the years, I have read many interesting papers by this longtime Mathematica user, but this one stood out for its maximizing of the product of simplicity and unexpectedness. Michael discusses what he calls the magic window. For 70+ years, we have known about holograms, and now we know about magic windows. So what exactly is a magic window? Here is a sketch of the optics of one: