Announcements & Events

Exposed! Workbench 2’s Contribution to Wolfram|Alpha

Wolfram|Alpha's mission---to make all systematic knowledge immediately computable by anyone---is a major software engineering effort. With millions of lines of code and hundreds of team members, a sophisticated code-base manager is essential in making the project possible. Enter Wolfram Workbench. Wolfram Workbench 2, the recently released version of Wolfram's state-of-the-art software engineering and deployment tool, is used at all levels of the Wolfram|Alpha project, from data curation and quality assurance to documentation and framework development. With its leading code-editing, navigation, and project-management tools, Workbench is a scalable solution that is necessary for building and growing Wolfram|Alpha. In this video, two Wolfram|Alpha developers describe Workbench's invaluable role in the project.
Announcements & Events

The Next-Generation Integrated Development Environment: Wolfram Workbench 2

Wolfram Workbench 2 is out today. New in Version 2 is the ability to create and integrate documentation for your Mathematica applications, as well as a host of improvements to code editing, navigation, and more. Workbench is an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE) with a powerful suite of tools to help you quickly create innovative, next-generation applications from concept to completion. You can work with any Eclipse-supported language, making Workbench a very efficient organizational tool. It's a powerful tool for small projects as well as large scale applications. How do we know? It is one of our key tools in the development of Mathematica, Wolfram|Alpha, and other Wolfram technologies.
Announcements & Events

Explore the Frontiers of Science: NKS Summer School 2010

In 2002, Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science (NKS) was published. Soon after, Wolfram Research began hosting annual Summer Schools centered around doing research on the topics and methods introduced by the book. The first NKS Summer School was held in 2003 at Brown University. It's that time of year again—when interested individuals all around the world apply to the NKS Summer School. By 2008, the NKS Summer School was already well established. I was one of those interested individuals, having completed my master's degree in mathematics the year before. I had been introduced to A New Kind of Science by a good friend, back when I was taking advanced undergraduate courses in physics. So when I came across the NKS Summer School in the winter of 2007, I was eager to apply.
Computation & Analysis

Down, Set, Compute! Checking Quarterback Ratings with Mathematica

Comparing favorite teams and players is a favorite pastime for sports fans. Most fans, including myself, understand their sports' basic statistics—batting averages, yards per carry, and so on—but may have trouble calculating the stats. With the Super Bowl coming up in Florida this weekend, I thought it would be interesting to see what Mathematica could do to help calculate one of the most well-known and tough-to-calculate statistics of the National Football League (NFL): quarterback passer rating.
Education & Academic

Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha Are Revolutionizing Education

Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha are revolutionizing education. Teachers and students are pretty pumped and starting to envision the possibilities. That was the chatter at our Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) 2010 booth in San Francisco this month, as we listened to Mathematica enthusiasts voice their opinions on technology and education.
Computation & Analysis

Mathematica Tests the St. Swithun’s Day Proverb

Like most in the United Kingdom, I have been trapped in my house by snow for most of the last week. Waking up again like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, to another snowy view, I have been dreaming of summer days to come. It was against this background that I thought I would get around to testing whether an old British weather proverb was true: St. Swithun's day if thou dost rain For forty days it will remain St. Swithun's day if thou be fair For forty days 'twill rain no more
Education & Academic

Global Hedge Fund Builds Enterprise-Wide Data Management System in Mathematica

When the founders of the global hedge fund EQA Partners, LP, wanted to build a comprehensive system for handling all functions of their company, they chose Mathematica. In this video, EQA's Chief Risk Officer Philip Zecher describes how using Mathematica improves their ability to quickly analyze market conditions and respond to investors' data requests, and reduces data errors.
Leading Edge

Why Bioinformatics Pros Dig Mathematica

During discussions at the International Mathematica User Conference 2009 with bioinformaticians using Mathematica, I learned a lot of very important things---like why protein folding isn't something you can order at the dry cleaner. I also learned that a lot of people seriously dig Mathematica's modeling and automatic interface construction capabilities, which make it easy for them to create interactive applications and simulations. Whether it is protein structure prediction using comparative modeling and fold recognition, or visualizing large-scale sequence alignments, Mathematica makes it fast and accurate. To make it easy for you to check out Mathematica's capabilities for this field, we have designed the Mathematica Solution for Bioinformatics portal. This website, which I researched and created, highlights Mathematica's capabilities and features several case studies, articles, and tutorials to help you get started. One of the cool things I enjoyed researching were the interactive Demonstrations. If you are like me and learn best by looking at an example, there's no better resource for learning how to create interactive applications in Mathematica, because the code used for creating the application is freely available right there.