
Education & Academic

Explore the Computational Universe at NKS Summer School 2011

There's still time to apply to NKS Summer School 2011, a complex systems research school based on Stephen Wolfram's seminal tract on the subject, A New Kind of Science (NKS), published in 2002. The first NKS Summer School was held soon after the book's publication, and, this summer, Wolfram Research will host its 9th annual program, centered on doing research on the topics and methods introduced by the book. The 2011 NKS Summer School is being held in Boston, Massachusetts, USA from June 27 through July 15, 2011. The concepts introduced in NKS have already made significant contributions to research and technological innovation.
Education & Academic

An Educator’s Story: Creating Immersive Teaching Environments with Mathematica

Paul Abbott, a faculty member in the School of Physics at The University of Western Australia, wants to teach his students a tool that they can use to tackle real-world problems—not only in his physics and mathematics courses, but throughout their studies and into their professional careers. For him, Mathematica is that tool. Abbott uses Mathematica to build all of his courseware, from lecture slide shows and assignments to quizzes and exams. His students use Mathematica to visualize surfaces, explore concepts using interactive examples, hypothesize results, and check their work. He says Mathematica is an "immersive environment" that helps his students reach a higher level of understanding.
Education & Academic

The Benefits of Free-Form Input for Precollege Teachers

After talking with community college educators recently at the national AMATYC conference in Boston, I'm reminded, once again, that time is the most valuable commodity in a teaching setting. It takes time to plan a lesson for students, time to refine this lesson such that it has the most impact, and time to plan what technology will accompany a lesson and how to guide students through the process of using that technology. Any wrinkles with using the technology will greatly distract students from the course concept at hand. As a concrete example, community college faculty are used to explaining to students the four menus, and roughly eight steps, to visualize a function and its derivative using a calculator, which is a significant time investment. (The examples are from my own TI calculator I've kept all these years.) It seems that most community college educators know how powerful and useful Mathematica can be to support lectures or individual student projects. But this year, more than anything else, we talked about how Mathematica 8's new free-form input will reduce or eliminate a teacher's preparation time and will help students who are new users access Mathematica's powerful functionality immediately.
Education & Academic

Conrad Wolfram’s TED Talk: “Stop Teaching Calculating, Start Teaching Math”

"We have a real problem with math education right now," is how Conrad Wolfram starts his TEDGlobal 2010 talk in Oxford, in which he reasons through what's wrong, why, and how we can fix it. Central to Conrad's argument is the role of calculating—that for the mainstream subject it's not an end in itself, but a means to an end, and therefore should be wholeheartedly computer based. As he puts it, "Math ≠ Calculating, Math >> Calculating". He's optimistic about what's possible. "We have a unique opportunity to make math both more practical and more conceptual simultaneously," and to get people to "really feel math". Couldn't agree more? Dramatically disagree? Let us know. PS: If you would like to get involved, check out and join computerbasedmath.org.
Education & Academic

A Call to STEM Teachers: What’s Your Plan for Back to School?

It's back-to-school time in the U.S., and we're starting our trips to meet with educators ranging from the high school to post-graduate level. Many schools will be hearing about Mathematica for the first time, while others have requested specialized training to expand Mathematica usage in their work and in the classroom. Several schools are taking advantage of a program created in response to a recent domestic focus on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education called the STEM Education Initiative.
Education & Academic

Math Coaches and Mathematica

When I attended this year's National Council of Teachers of Mathematics conference in San Diego, I met many "math coaches". All teachers are coaches of their classrooms, but I'm referring to teachers whose titles are "coach". These coaches spend time with at-risk or struggling students, trying to help the students gain further success in their education. Coaches spend time working one on one or in small groups with these students to help them achieve a higher level of knowledge. They are looking for interactive ways to get students excited about all of their homework as well as to prepare them for standardized tests—especially in math—in new ways, relevant to the students and the topics. However, very few of these math coaches have computer programming backgrounds. Quite often, their main technology tool has been the basic calculator. These coaches were interested in a tool that would not cost them hours of time to learn. Insert Mathematica!
Education & Academic

Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha Are Revolutionizing Education

Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha are revolutionizing education. Teachers and students are pretty pumped and starting to envision the possibilities. That was the chatter at our Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM) 2010 booth in San Francisco this month, as we listened to Mathematica enthusiasts voice their opinions on technology and education.
Education & Academic

Using Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha in the Classroom

There are lots of things going on at Wolfram Research these days. October 22–24 is our annual International Mathematica User Conference, and October 21 is the first-ever Wolfram|Alpha Homework Day! Homework Day is a groundbreaking, marathon live interactive web event that brings together students, parents, and educators from across the United States to solve their toughest assignments and explore the power of using Wolfram|Alpha for school, college, and beyond. You can read more about it in the Wolfram|Alpha Blog post. Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha are great resources for both teachers and students. Using the two together is a good way to explore topics in more depth. This video shows a few examples of how you can utilize Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha in your own classroom.
Education & Academic

Graduating from Student to Professional

As a fan of cars, I find that even when I am perfectly happy with my vehicle, I check car lots and classifieds and car-dealer ads. This began in college when I had to drive a car that, let me just say, was not a high-performance vehicle. It got me from point A to point B most of the time, but it always needed work and I never knew when it would break down and leave me stranded. I always dreamed of driving a really nice automobile. Working at Wolfram Research, I have many times heard the analogy of Mathematica as a high-performance computational engine. The high-performance phrase takes me back to cars and I wondered, what kind of car would Mathematica be? In my mind, it would clearly be something very fast that has a great engine under the hood but is easy to drive. A car I would've liked to have had in college. Then I thought about how many students have access to Mathematica, which is much like a college student driving a brand-new sports car. It has more than enough power for most applications, and using it can make you look good.