Nobel Prize–Inspired de novo Protein Design with Wolfram Language

Nobel Prize–Inspired de novo Protein Design with Wolfram Language

When I read a recent New York Times article on AI, I didn’t think I would be following the footsteps of a Nobel laureate, but I soon discovered that I could do just that with Wolfram Language.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2024 was awarded for computational protein design and protein structure prediction, which have been active areas of research for several decades. The early work was built upon a foundation of physics and chemistry, attempting to model the folding of the chain of amino acid residues comprising a protein into a three-dimensional structure using conformational analysis and energetics. More recently, AI methods have been brought to bear on the problem, making use of deep neural networks (DNNs) and large language models (LLMs) such as trRosetta, AlphaFold and ESMFold. The work of David Baker, one of the laureates, was recently showcased in a New York Times article.

In their 2021 paper, Baker’s group described computational experiments that optimized a random sequence of amino acids into a realistic protein sequence and folded it into a three-dimensional structure. This process was repeated 2,000 times giving a “wide range of sequences and predicted structures.” The really exciting part came next: they made 129 synthetic genes in the lab based on the sequences, inserted them into the genome of E. coli bacteria, isolated and purified the new proteins and obtained their structures by x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy, which closely matched the predicted structures.

We set out to explore the “computational X” part of their experiment in Wolfram Language. Some of the new features of the just-released Version 14.2 made this task surprisingly simple.

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Folding an Amino Acid Sequence

Let’s begin with a protein of known structure. The N-terminal domain of the amyloid precursor protein (APP), which is implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, is a good example. The Protein Data Bank (PDB) entry ID is 1MWP. We can retrieve the citation title for the published data with this new-in-14.2 service connection request:

ServiceExecute ["RCSBProteinDataBank", "EntryData",

And we can retrieve the structure as a BioMolecule with this request:

bioMol = ServiceExecute["RCSBProteinDataBank", "BioMolecule",

We can also get the same result with much less typing with:

BioMolecule [ExternalIdentifier {"PDBStructureID", "1MWP"]]

The full crystallographic structure is comprised of a single protein chain and many water molecules that co-crystallized with the protein molecule. The water molecules are collected into their own chain for convenience, so the BioMolecule has two chains:

bioMol ["ChainTypes"]

The protein structure is comprised of a single chain that possesses two α-helices and several β-strands that can be seen visually here:

BioMoleculePlot3D [bioMol

and tabulated here as residue ranges:

bioMol ["Helices"]

bioMol ["Sheets"

The "ESMAtlas" service is also new in 14.2 and allows one to fold a sequence using the model from Meta AI. This is the service request to fold the amino acid sequence:

foldedBioMol = ServiceExecute ["ESMAtlas","FoldSequence",

The folded structure is also composed of an α-helix and several β-strands:

BioMoleculePlot3D [foldedBioMol

However, we can see here that the longer helix in the AI-folded structure is two residues shorter than in the crystal structure, and residues 73, 74 and 75 do not form a helix:

foldedBioMol ["Helices"]

Two β-strands have been lost in the AI-folded structure:

foldedBioMol ["Sheets"]

So, how good is the fold quantitatively? The ESMAtlas service computes an atom-wise confidence which is stored in the "BFactors" property of the BioMolecule. The individual values range from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating greater confidence of the predicted three-dimensional position. Here are the atomic confidences for the atoms of the first five residues:

foldedBioMol ["BFactors"]

We can use these values to compute an overall confidence of the folded sequence, specifically, the root mean square of the atomic values:

confidence [bm_BioMolecule]

confidence [foldedBioMol]

That’s pretty high, so it should be “close” to the experimental structure, and we can get an exact numerical comparison with the function BioMoleculeAlign, which is a prototype based on MoleculeAlign:

alignment = BioMoleculeAlign [bioMol, foldedBioMol, "Backbone"

An RMS difference (RMSD) of the backbone atoms of 1.38 Å is pretty good, and visually we can see that the folded structure closely matches the experimental structure fairly closely. As expected, the deviation is largest at the N- and C-terminal portions of the protein:

Show [BioMoleculePlot3D

To get a broader overview of the folding accuracy, we did a search on the PDB website for monomeric, single-chain proteins with 95–105 residues, with the structure determined by x-ray diffraction, and a final resolution of ≤ 2.0 Å:

Search from PDB website for monomeric, single-chain proteins

The search returned 175 entry IDs (your results may differ due to changes in the public database):

hits =

Let’s retrieve each structure, fold its full sequence, compute the confidence of the fold and compute the RMSD to the experimental geometry. However, before we can do this seemingly simple task, we need to clean up the list.

Biology is messy, especially when one is working with experimental data. There are nearly 230,000 experimentally determined structures in the PDB. A very large portion of them are high quality. In the search above, we filtered out those structures with low resolution (> 2.0 Å) at the source, but there are several other potential issues that need to be dealt with.

First, databases are not perfect. Even though the search specified “protein entities,” some proteins conjugated with oligosaccharides were included in the search results. They have the chain type "Branched":

Select [hits,

Here is what the first one looks like. The sugar moieties are rendered at atomic-level details, as in MoleculePlot3D:

BioMoleculePlot3D [ExternalIdentifier

So, let’s remove those two hits:

hits =

Second, Meta AI’s protein folding model only accepts sequences comprised of a very limited number of the more than 500 known naturally occurring amino acids, many of which are found in proteins in the PDB. There are 21 proteinogenic amino acids that are coded for by DNA, and ESMFold uses only 20 of them (selenomethionine is the maverick amino acid).

Amino acids are often represented with their three-letter abbreviations, Ala for alanine, Trp for tryptophane, etc. For even more brevity, biologists also use one-letter codes (only the proteinogenic amino acids have one), as shown in this table:

Amino acids and their abbreviations

We can use the one-letter codes to construct a filter:

acceptableSequenceQ [seq_String]

Let’s test it with APP that we retrieved from the PDB above:

bioMol ["BioSequences"]

So far, so good. The synthetic peptide 5V63 was made to study the oligomerization of the β-amyloid protein and contains ornithine, sarcosine and iodophenylalanine. It should fail the test:

bm = BioMolecule

bm ["BioSequences"]

Great! Now to filter the hits:

hits =

Third, x-ray crystallography is not perfect. Many crystals are not ideal and contain defects. One common defect in crystals of proteins is disorder where a portion of the protein does not crystallize the same way in every unit cell, and this phenomenon effectively blurs the electron density (it’s the electrons that scatter the x-rays) and the atoms cannot be located. The disorder often happens at the ends of the protein chain, but it can also happen where there are loops between α-helices and β-strands.

To make the comparison of the protein folding results most informative, we should remove those hits that have fewer observed residues than the full sequence. The first hit, 1A68, has unobserved residues, as indicated by the smaller modeled monomer count:

ServiceExecute ["RCSBProteinDataBank", "EntryData",

Processing the whole list and selecting those entries with equal counts gives us the final list of hits:

hits =

And, finally, we can do the analysis, that is, folding the sequence and comparing it to the experimental geometry:

alignmentRMSD = Module [ {

Most of the folded structures agree with the experimental structure quite well with an RMSD of 4 Å or less:

Plot demonstrates that folded structures agree with the experimental structures

Overall, the results look quite good. A large RMSD is to be expected when the fold confidence is less than 0.75, so the unexpected outliers have confidence greater than 0.75 and an RMSD greater than about 5 Å. What are they?

outliers = Select [alignmentRMSD,

Module [ {entryID =

The structure 4J4C is the G51P mutation (proline replacing glycine at residue position 51) of 3EZM. Both are head-to-tail dimers that are intertwined. We can use the “assembly” information of the biomolecules to view the dimers (one half of each dimer is shown in blue and the other half in yellow):

Intertwined dimers

The ESMFold model assumes the input sequence is for a monomeric structure, so it’s not surprising that it fails for these intertwined dimers.

Optimizing a Random Sequence

Baker’s group carried out the de novo design by first constructing a random sequence and then iteratively mutating one residue at a time. The position of the mutation was randomly selected from a uniform distribution as was the new amino acid. The sequence was folded at each iteration and the change was accepted if the fitness of the predicted structure of the mutated sequence, Fi, increased. For a decrease of the fitness, the change was accepted based on the Metropolis criterion

Metropolis criterion

where t is the temperature, which was decreased in steps over the course of the iteration, effectively giving a simulated annealing algorithm. Strictly speaking, simulated annealing uses energy instead of fitness, and the temperature then has a physical meaning. They used the contrast between the inter-residue distance distributions predicted by the trRosetta network and background distributions averaged over all proteins as the fitness and an initial temperature scaled appropriately. They used initial sequences of 100 residues and an arbitrarily large number, 40,000, of iterations. We’ll follow this basic outline and adapt as needed for Wolfram Language.

Initial Random Sequence

We’ve already talked a little bit about amino acids and protein sequences. The BioSequence returned by the "BioSequences" property of a BioMolecule can return either the three-letter code or the one-letter code sequences as a string. For the amyloid precursor protein, we have:

bioSeq = bioMol

bioSeq ["AbbreviationSequence"}

bioSeq ["SequenceString"]

Using the one-letter codes will be convenient for constructing random sequences and manipulating them:

oneLettercodes = {"A",

randomSequence [codes:

Here is a random sequence of 100 residues:

sequence = randomSequence

Folding the sequence gives a BioMolecule, as we have seen before:

foldedSequence = ServiceExecute

We can see that it doesn’t have any secondary structure elements and doesn’t look very much like a naturally occurring protein:

Generated biomolecule with secondary structure

The residues have been colored starting at the N-terminal end blue through green, to yellow, to orange and finally to red at the C-terminal end.


While we can compute the inter-residue distance distributions for the predicted fold, we don’t have the background distributions averaged over all proteins (e.g. from the PDB) used by Baker’s team, and therefore we cannot compute the divergence to use as the fitness.

However, all is not lost because as we have seen above, we can compute an overall confidence of a fold, which should be suitable as fitness. Not surprisingly, the fitness of the predicted fold for this random sequence is not very high:

confidence [foldedSequence

Residue Mutation

The next thing we need to be able to do is mutate the sequence. First, a position in the sequence is randomly chosen, and then the amino acid at that position is replaced by a different amino acid:

mutate [seq_String

mutatedSequence = mutate [sequence]

We can use Diff to see where the mutation took place:

Diff [sequence, mutatedSequence

The valine at position 96 was replaced by alanine. That is, we have made the V96A mutant. What is the effect on the structure?

foldedMutatedSequence = ServiceExecute

Interestingly, the effect it is not entirely local, and three α-helices have emerged well separated from the location of the mutation (the short red helix). Does that lead to an increase or decrease in the overall fitness?

confidence [foldedMutatedSequence]

Simulated Annealing Optimization

The fitness, i.e. confidence of the prediction, has decreased slightly. The Metropolis criterion for accepting the mutation is computed as:

crit = With [{temp = 0.1}

The test for acceptance is:

RandomReal [] < crit

So this change with its slight decrease in fitness would be accepted.

We can roll up the preceding code into a function for sequence optimization. The ESMAtlas service limits the number of API calls a user can make in a given period of time, but the details are not disclosed. A pausing mechanism has been built into the code to accommodate the throttle imposed by the service. We’ve also included a progress monitor because making API calls can be slow depending on how many other users are calling the service:

Options [sequenceSimulatedAnnealing]

This is an example of the progress monitor display:

Progress monitor display

To keep this proof-of-concept exercise tractable, let’s use only 1,000 iterations:

result = sequenceSimulatedAnnealing

Optimization Results

The returned result is a list of pairs of the form {sequencei,fitnessi}, where the fitness is the overall confidence of the fold. Let’s take a look at the final sequence to see how we did:

result[-1, 1]

optimized = ServiceExecute

BioMoleculePlot3D [optimized

That’s really quite nice! Are there any structures in the PDB that have a similar sequence?

ServiceExecute ["RCSBProteinDataBank"

None. How about the UniProt database? This search was done manually, and it found one hit. Here is a snippet of the raw BLAST output:

BLAST output snippet

Less than half of our sequence (residues 2–46) had some similarity to residues 242–286 of the 467-residue protein 3-isopropylmalate dehydratase large subunit. Statistically, the hit is not very good. The E-score is 9.7 (the “Expect” value in the output), and good homology matches have an E-score of 10-5 or less. It’s safe to say that our de novo–designed protein has not been seen before.

What else can we learn from the optimization? Here is how the fitness improved over the optimization:

Fitness improvement over the optimization

A large fraction of the iterations did not change the sequence:

Partition [result [[All,1

And here is how the change in fitness evolved (the zeros have been elided):

How the change in fitness evolved

Here is where the mutations took place over the course of the optimization:

Mutations during optimization

And here is the residue position frequency distribution:

Residue position frequency distribution

Twelve residue positions (6, 8, 46, 53, 62, 64, 69, 71, 82, 83, 96, 98) were not modified. Either they were not selected or the changes happened to be deleterious and failed to pass the Metropolis criterion. The best remedy would be to use more iterations (Baker used 40,000).

How did the amino acid content evolve, and what is the final distribution?

Final distribution of amino acid content evolution

Isoleucine (I), arginine (R) and threonine (T) are the most frequent amino acids in the last sequence, and methionine (M) was lost altogether.

How did the geometry of the fold evolve? Let’s take 10 examples from a geometric progression through the iterations and fold them:

sampleIndex = Append [NestList

sample = MapAt

Now, starting with the last biomolecule, align the preceding biomolecule to it and repeat the process sequentially back to the first biomolecule of the sample. Computationally we do this with the function Fold, consuming elements of the reversed list of structures and appending each aligned structure to the growing result list:

alignedSample =

Plotting the alignment RMSD will give a rough idea of the pairwise structural similarity of the sample:

Plot of the alignment RMSD

Now, let’s take a look at the structures. In the plots below, the residues have been colored by the confidence of the prediction. The first number in each panel is the overall confidence of the fold, and the second number is the step in the iteration:

Structures colored by confidence of prediction

By the time the overall confidence reaches about 0.7, the fold has settled down.

Another way to assess the evolution of the fold makes use of inter-residue contact maps. As observed by Baker’s team, the maps are initially diffuse and become sharper over the course of the optimization:

Inter-residue contact maps

Out of curiosity, we manually submitted the optimized sequence to the trRosetta server. Here are the folds that were predicted with the use of templates, along with the overall confidence:

Folds predicted with templates

The trRosetta model gives an atomic position confidence on a scale of 0 to 100, and the overall confidence for each fold is not very high.

The folding report included these remarks:

  • The confidence of the model is very low. It was built based on de novo folding, guided by deep learning restraints.
  • This is a single-sequence folding with trRosettaX, as no significant sequence homologs was detected (in uniclust30_2018_08).

How do they compare to our optimized structure predicted by ESMAtlas? Not very closely based on the alignment RMSD:

alignedRosetta = BioMolecule

BarChart [Labeled

How Much Is Enough?

So, how many iterations is enough to get useful results? Even with today’s fast personal computers and fast internet speeds, it can take hours to evolve a sequence using the API service. As we saw above, 1,000 iterations is not enough to sample all 100 residue positions even once, much less repeatedly, to find an optimal amino acid for each.

5,000 Iterations

result5 = sequenceSimulatedAnnealing

This iteration is not merely an extension of the previous one, even though they both began with the same initial random sequence and the same random state. This is because the half-life of the temperature decay is longer, allowing this iteration to diverge as soon as the Metropolis criterion gives a different outcome. This fact becomes obvious once the fitness of the two iterations is compared:

Plot displaying divergence after Metropolis criterion is applied

Plot comparing the two iterations

The final optimized sequence bears no resemblance to the one for the shorter iteration:

Diff [result

The amino acid distribution is quite different, also. Most notably, several amino acids are no longer present: phenylalanine (F), histidine (H), proline (P) and tryptophane (W):

Amino acid distribution

So, what is the fold for this sequence?

optimized5 = ServiceExecute

BioMoleculePlot3D [optimized5]

It’s all one long α-helix! Considering that there are no proline residues, this result is not surprising. Proline contains a ring that restricts the rotation about the ϕ angle, usually resulting in a kink in the backbone at that position. So, no proline residues means no turns:


The plots below show that the general topology of the final fold is reached fairly early, at about 40% of the way through the iteration when the confidence is around 0.75, as we saw in the shorter iteration:

General topology of final fold

Contact map of general topology of final fold

10,000 Iterations

result10 = sequenceSimulatedAnnealing

The evolution of the fitness for all three iterations is shown below. The 5,000- and 10,000-step iterations have produced sequences with very high confidence, but they have by no means converged to a maximal confidence, as shown in the inset:

Evolution of the fitness for all three iterations

While the sampling of the residue positions is about twice as high as the shorter 5,000-step iteration, it is more diffuse:

Sampling of residue positions

Moreover, only 15% of the residue positions experienced every amino acid at least once (all-green columns in the plot below), and none of the amino acids resided at least once at each of the residue positions (all-green rows, only alanine came close). So, going to 20,000 or even 40,000 steps (as did Baker) many be necessary for adequate annealing:

Amino acid presence in residue postions

We again see the loss of several amino acids, and notably proline is among the absent:

Loss of several amino acids

The final sequence is:

result10[-1, 1]

optimized10 = ServiceExecute

BioMoleculePlot3D [optimized10]

Another all α-helix fold, as foretold by the complete absence of proline. How similar are the two sequences?

All α-helix fold

There is some similarity between the two sequences, but it’s not very high. Can we discovery why a proline-free sequence is the result of this optimization?

The Curious Case of Proline

One hypothesis might be that once proline is absent, it’s hard to restore it. The first proline-free sequence is encountered at step 2602:

firstProlineFreeStep =

What is the probability of a successful replacement by proline at each residue position? To compute those probabilities, we need the fitness (overall confidence of the fold) of the proline-free sequence and each of the proline-substituted sequences:

confidenceProline =

confidenceWithProline =

We also need the temperature at that step:

temp = tempIn Exp

And finally the probabilities:

probability =

ListPlot [ probability, Filling

We see that a large fraction of the residue positions have a very low probability, but there is still a sizable number with a probability of 1, and, in fact, proline does reappear at a later step only to be ultimately lost. The last step to lose a proline is 5885:

lastStepToLoseProline =

Computing the probabilities to restore a proline at this point in the iterations follows:

confidenceProlineFreeSequence =

confidencesWithProline =

temp = tempIn Exp

probability =

ListPlot [ probability, Filling

So it has become very much harder to restore proline to the sequence and one ends up with a sequence that folds into an all α-helical form.

A Weighty Improvement

Not all residue positions are created equal, and when it comes to structure prediction, some are better characterized than others. Since we’re doing design by optimization, could we improve the process by preferentially mutating the residue positions with lower prediction confidence? That is, give more attention to the less-well-defined regions.

We used residue-wise confidence to color code the folded sequences, and we can use the same residue-wise confidence to weight the residue selection in mutation.

Here is a refactored mutation function that can take an optional set of residue position weights:

ClearAll [mutate]

Taking the optimized sequence from the 1,000-iteration optimization as the input, here is a mutation without weights:

BlockRandom [SeedRandom

The confidence-based weights are calculated with:

weights = 1 - residueConfidence

Here is the mutation with those weights, starting, of course, from the same random state:

BlockRandom [SeedRandom

We can add an option to the sequenceSimulatedAnnealing function to use confidence-based weights (code changes highlighted in blue):

Options [sequenceSimulatedAnnealing

weightedResult10 =

The time course of the fitness for the weighted optimization is roughly the same as for the unweighted. It’s not immediately obvious if the difference in fitness at the end is significant:

Weighted vs. unweighted optimization

Surprisingly, substantially fewer mutations met the Metropolis criterion:

Unweighted mutation (4807 total) vs. weighted mutation (2906 total)

And that most likely explains the lower fitness at the end. There is a hint of more frequent mutation at the C-terminal end of the sequence (residue 100) in the plot on the right. This is due to the characteristically lower confidence in the residue geometries at the ends of the sequence. In a different 10,000-step optimization, it was much more obvious:

Weighted mutation (3365 total)

There is almost no sequence similarity between the two final sequences:

Final sequence comparison

And, happily, the folded sequence has a different topology:


BioMoleculePlot3D [weightedOptimized10

Again, the public protein databases are devoid of similar sequences:

ServiceExecute ["RCSBProteinDataBank"

Four hits were found in the UniProt database, with the best, although not very good with the E-score = 3.4, being:

UniProt database results


Well, what have we learned on our computational expedition? I think foremost is that surprisingly little coding was necessary. We created a few “one-liners” (confidence, acceptableSequenceQ, randomSequence, residueConfidence, mutate) and only one big function (sequenceSimulatedAnnealing). Everything else that we needed was built into Wolfram Language and just worked.

The ability to start with just a sequence of amino acid codes (1° structure) and in one step obtain a realistic three-dimensional protein structure (3° structure) is utterly amazing and deeply satisfying. The advent of LLMs is truly worthy of a Nobel Prize, and that we can easily climb onto the shoulders of those giants is breathtaking.

We also learned that experimental data can be challenging to use. Doing good science requires attention to detail and frequently asking why a particular result was obtained. As we went along, we postulated hypotheses and tested them.

We’ve only just scratched the surface of computational biology, and Wolfram Language will allow us to go much further.

Ideas for Further Exploration

One area for fruitful exploration is the correlation of amino acid properties with the optimized folds. Where are the polar and nonpolar residues located three-dimensionally? What about charged residues, such as arginine, histidine, aspartate and glutamate?

What is the effect of increasing or decreasing the rate of cooling? We set the temperature half-life to be 1/8 of the number of iterations, as was used by Baker’s group. However, we used a continuous protocol while they used a stepwise protocol.

Are there other optimization strategies that might be more efficient? We’ve already seen that weighting the residue position selection by 1 – residueConfidence increases the sampling of the less-well-defined regions of the chain. Is there a weighting by amino acid that could be exploited? What would be the effect of giving a preference to some amino acids over others? For example, there is a class of proteins known as glycine-rich proteins that contains more than 60% glycine residues and are found in tissues of many eukaryotic organisms.

Many proteins contain disulfide bridges between cysteine residues. How could this feature be incorporated into the random sequence generation and subsequent mutation? Can ESMAtlas fold sequences with this topological constraint?

What other optimization goals could one use? We optimized the confidence of the fold. How could you optimize for a particular shape or combination of helices and sheets? How could you optimize an enzyme active site or a receptor binding pocket?


Special thanks are due for Jason Biggs of the Wolfram Chemistry Team for useful discussions, quick bug fixes and solid code design and development for the new BioMolecule framework. Soutick Saha of the Chemistry Team has also been helpful guiding my sometimes wayward steps through the plethora of online protein and bioinformatics resources, and he made several suggestions to improve this post. Jon McLoone made some improvements to the MarginalPlot resource function that gave me better control over the histograms.


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1 comment

  1. This resembles my PhD (1980 to 83), except I used a stochastic dynamics approach and quasi-equilibrium stat mech, and more abstraction (computers were a bit slower back then). MarginalPlot was something like an Ooi plot (I think). Computer runs took several weeks at a time (later in the mid 90s, it took maybe 10 minutes on an UltraSPARK desktop). I was too ahead of my time. Jumped ship to Comp Sci, AI/ML/NN, GAs and nat lang (a bit ahead of my time then, too) and later commercial solutions – AI, adaptive, formal modelling. Now AI is seriously in the mix. T.
