Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Date Archive: 2024 April

Education & Academic

From Data to Discovery: Studying Computational Biology with Wolfram

As computational science progresses, we are seeing leaps and bounds in what can be realized for helping the world. The technological advancements in biology have paved the way to better study medicine and the patterns of the environment in order to help the sick and optimize resources. Whether you’re classifying an animal for the first time or visualizing simulated animal genomes, Wolfram Language holds the tools and power to support your computational life science endeavors. The following is a collection of biology resources, projects and functions in Wolfram Language for any skill level.
Announcements & Events

Navigating Quantum Computing: Accelerating Next-Generation Innovation

It’s no secret: quantum computing has been poised to be “the next big thing” for years. But recent developments in the quantum ecosystem, including major investments by companies such as IBM, Google, Microsoft and others, are the best indicators that now is the time to begin preparing for potentially viable quantum applications—and to identify where […]

Education & Academic

Food and Sun: Wolfram Language Recipe Graphs for the Solar Eclipse

At Wolfram Research, we are excited for the April 8 total solar eclipse and plan to observe this extraordinary event in several ways. Read about the science and math of this rare phenomenon in Stephen Wolfram’s new book, Predicting the Eclipse: A Multimillennium Tale of Computation, and then find eclipse specifics for your location with the Wolfram precision eclipse website. Now that you know why and where, prepare for your upcoming watch party with these Sun-related recipes using two new functions from the Wolfram Function Repository: RecipeGraph and NutrientComparisonBarChart.

RecipeGraph relies on a large language model (LLM) to help create a graph of the ingredients and instructions for a recipe. The recipe ingredients and instructions form the vertices of the graph. The edges (lines connecting the vertices) represent the flow of the preparation and cooking process. Each ingredient connects to the instruction in which it is used. NutrientComparisonBarChart creates a dual bar chart comparing the calories and macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fat and fiber) in a list of foods.