Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

3 Free Wolfram U Webinars Showcasing Innovative Data Science Applications

Wolfram Technology in Action

Looking to fulfill your New Year’s resolution of learning new data science skills? Join Wolfram U for Wolfram Technology in Action: Data Science, a three-part web series demonstrating a range of data science applications in the Wolfram Language. These 90-minute sessions feature recorded talks from the 2019 Wolfram Technology Conference, along with live presentations by Wolfram staff scientists, application developers, software engineers and Wolfram Language users who apply the technology every day to their business operations and research.

Newcomers to Wolfram technology are welcome, as are longtime users wanting to see the latest functionality in the language.

From Social Media to Field Campaigns to Game AI

This series brings the latest in a broad range of data science areas covered at the conference. Each session is designed to highlight a different aspect of doing data science with Wolfram technology.

The series kicks off on January 22 with several data analysis examples using built-in Wolfram Language functionality, including custom-built Twitter analytics, data mining of imaginary maps and the creation of an automated reporting system.

In the second session on January 29, speakers will present data-intensive applications across several computational fields. Topics include image processing for noninvasive cancer screening, running large-scale field campaigns in atmospheric research and structuring diverse data sources for machine learning and analysis.

Finally, the February 5 session will explore analysis and visualization of different kinds of data. Presenters will discuss game AI planning analytics, computational taxonomy and sunny day flooding.

Sign Up Today—It’s Free!

You can join any or all of the webinars to benefit from the series. Signing up once will save your seat for all sessions in the series. When you sign up, you’ll receive an email confirming your registration, as well as reminders for upcoming sessions.

Register now to find out what other Wolfram Language users and experts are accomplishing in data science!

Visit our Wolfram U calendar to sign up for all our special events and instructor-led courses, or check out our Data Science & Statistics page for the latest courses in data science.


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