Calling All Goblins: Tweet-a-Program Halloween Code Challenge

Halloween is quickly approaching, and to help you gear up for trick-or-treating, costume parties, and pumpkin carving, we’re issuing another Tweet-a-Program Code Challenge! This time, instead of spaceships and planets, we want you to tweet us your spookiest Halloween-themed lines of Wolfram Language code. We’ll then use the Wolfram Language to randomly select three winning tweets (and a few of our favorites) to pin, retweet, and share with our followers. Winners will also be awarded a free Wolfram T-shirt!

Take some inspiration from these examples, while you come up with your creepy codes:

Tweet-a-Program skull

Tweet-a-Program Halloween

In order to win, your Halloween-themed submissions must be tweeted to us before the clock strikes midnight, Pacific time, on All Hallows’ Eve (11:59pm PDT, Friday, October 31). So you don’t waste needed code space, no hashtag is required with your original submission, but we encourage you to share your results by retweeting them with hashtag #SpookyCode.

We’re excited about the possibilities—just keep an eye on your creation and make sure that it doesn’t… come alive!


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