Hungry for More Pi?

We recently wrote some blog posts for our friends over at raspberrypi.org, sharing some of the cool things you can do with the Wolfram Language on the Raspberry Pi. Combined with the amazing projects and ideas being shared at Wolfram Community, we’re doing some seriously cool stuff on this little computer!

Raspberry Pi + Mathematica

If you haven’t been following the latest, here’s a recap of our favorite Raspberry Pi + Wolfram Language creations:

Wolfram Language One-Liners

The signature competition from our 2011 and 2012 Wolfram Technology Conferences has made a debut on the Raspberry Pi. What’s the most complex program you can write on your RPi that’s no longer than a Twitter tweet? Read the post for some inspiration!

Modeling Physics on the Raspberry Pi

Creating simple physics models is as straightforward as using the built-in functions of the Wolfram Language. Find out how you can easily visualize complex systems on your Raspberry Pi.

Hooking up Vernier Sensors

Looking for ways to incorporate the Raspberry Pi into your classroom or science lab? Vernier is one of the leading companies in scientific measurement tools—and connecting them to your Raspberry Pi using the Wolfram Language allows you to discover dynamic and educational solutions for analyzing the data you collect with them.

Cooking with Raspberry Pi

Feed your inner coder and your palate with this affordable DIY slow cooker setup. Watch the demo and see how you can use the Raspberry Pi to master the science of sous-vide cooking. Who knew programming could be so tasty?

New projects are also regularly cropping up on Community: Build a spectrometer with a RaspiCam, measure moment of inertia, or use a motion sensor to make a security system. Join the Raspberry Pi Group to keep up with the latest and greatest ideas from brilliant users just like you!


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