Arm Yourselves with Wolfram Knowledge
By now, most of you students are likely getting into the thick of the academic year, preparing for the first wave of exams and projects and presentations to come your way… But don’t freak out just yet! Here’s a list of Wolfram’s most recent apps and programs that might help make your life a little easier. After all, it never hurts to have a few powerful resources on your side.
Wolfram Mathematica Student Edition
Your brain is not a computer—and that’s a good thing! You don’t want it to be. Your brain is so much more creative and innovative than a computer. But computers, with the right software, can be pretty good at some things that we humans are not. Remembering really big numbers, for starters. Doing complex calculations and processing long strings of data are other examples.
That’s where Mathematica comes in. This technology is the world’s most powerful computational software. What that means is Mathematica does some pretty hefty number-crunching and data processing so you can focus on what the human brain was meant to do: solve conceptual problems, visualize things in unique ways, and develop new ideas.
And, as a student, you can get Mathematica at a fraction of the price! This is big—it will completely revolutionize the way you do math and science.

Wolfram SystemModeler Student Edition
This is a game-changer for those of you pursuing math, science, and engineering. SystemModeler has extensive capabilities to guide your high-tech projects from idea to prototype. Design a model, visualize simulations, and perform a vast array of system analysis—all in one program. This highly advanced software is integrated with everything you need to bring incredibly complex projects to life. And best of all, it runs on the same technology as Mathematica, so you won’t have to re-learn the basics.
Wolfram Problem Generator Just released!
From simple arithmetic all the way to calculus and linear algebra—get an unlimited number of practice problems equipped with step-by-step breakdowns of answers and helpful hints when you need them. You can choose the difficulty of the questions, and you’ll never see the same problem twice. If you prefer writing things by hand, you can choose to input your text in free form—or make your problem sets printable and do things the old-fashioned way!
All of this is completely free with your Wolfram|Alpha Pro account*—along with all the other benefits of Pro:
- Step-by-step breakdowns of Wolfram|Alpha solutions
- Plots, graphs, and maps become interactive
- Customize and download your queries and search results
- Conduct a search using an uploaded image or file
- Save your history and keep a list of favorites
- No advertisements
- Extended computation time—AKA, Wolfram|Alpha gets even better at its job
If you don’t yet have a Pro account, start a free trial today!
*Psst! Your university or school district may have a site license that could give you access to Wolfram|Alpha Pro and other Wolfram products—for free! Click here to see if your school is registered.
Wolfram Course Assistant Apps (for iOS or Android)
We’ve developed apps to help you through nearly every single one of your math and science classes—and then some! (Astronomy, anyone?) These course assistants are easy to use and provide an interactive reference guide that follows you anywhere on your mobile device. Study for five minutes while you’re bored and waiting for the bus, or keep it open by your side to help you through your homework. Click here to see the wide range of Course Apps we currently offer!
Wolfram|Alpha Personal Analytics for Facebook
It’s time for social studies—I mean, the study of your social life!
You might be surprised by what you can learn about yourself (and your friends) just from your Facebook data. Maybe you check Facebook on your phone at the same three times every day and you never realized. Or maybe you never noticed how many status updates you’ve made with the word “pizza.” Maybe all of your friends are fans of Nietzsche.
Wolfram|Alpha takes all of that data (and more) and processes it into beautiful graphs and organized lists so that you can make sense of it. And give yourself a pat on the back, because while you’ll feel like you’re just fooling around, you’re actually doing science.
Now, get out there and ace those assignments!
This is really great. Weldone Wolfram Mathematica.