Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

Date Archive: 2013 October

Computation & Analysis

Bringing Zombies to Life… Is That an Oxymoron?

I was lucky enough in college to be able to double-major in physics and film/media. One of the coolest connections that formed from these completely opposite subjects was the use of Mathematica. What started out as just a computational tool for all the work in my physics classes turned into an experimental playground for the digital animation I was creating in my film classes. Mathematica is an ideal program to model the true science of motion. And as you'll come to see, it looks complicated, but is actually quite simple! Let's start with understanding some basic human anatomy (or zombie anatomy, since this post is technically about zombies):
Education & Academic

Arm Yourselves with Wolfram Knowledge

By now, most of you students are likely getting into the thick of the academic year, preparing for the first wave of exams and projects and presentations to come your way... But don't freak out just yet! Here's a list of Wolfram's most recent apps and programs that might help make your life a little easier. After all, it never hurts to have a few powerful resources on your side.
Computation & Analysis

A Response to “Falling with Helium”

Recently the author of xkcd, Randall Munroe, was asked the question of how long it would be necessary for someone to fall in order to jump out of an airplane, fill a large balloon with helium while falling, and land safely. Randall unfortunately ran into some difficulties with completing his calculation, including getting his IP address banned by Wolfram|Alpha. (No worries: we received his request and have already fixed that.)