The Wolfram Education Team’s Fall Events
The Wolfram Education Team is going all over the United States and even online this fall semester. We are excited to demonstrate new advances in Wolfram technologies and their applications in the classroom.

First on our list of events is the Wolfram Technology for STEM Education: Virtual Conference for Education 2013 on September 17th. Learn how Wolfram technologies like Mathematica, CDF, and Wolfram|Alpha can support primary, secondary, and post-secondary STEM educators. Register now for this free event.
Next up, we’re headed to Anaheim, California in October for EDUCAUSE 2013 and AMATYC 2013. If you’re in the area, stop by our booth at either trade show to chat with Wolfram Education experts about the new technology and techniques that Wolfram has to offer.
From there we’re back in Champaign, Illinois for the Wolfram Technology Conference, October 21–23. Join Wolfram developers and other industry experts to explore what Wolfram technologies make possible. Be among the first to preview new, unreleased technologies. Participate in hands-on workshops to see how you can implement these new capabilities in your school or institution!
Then it’s off to Orlando, Florida for Sloan’s Online Education Conference, November 20–22. Talk with Wolfram experts on how to make online courses engaging and meaningful with our interactive CDF technology and other Wolfram technologies.
The Wolfram Education Team is excited to be a part of so many events this fall semester. With the digitalization of classrooms and lecture halls, Wolfram technologies continue to support educators with advancements in Wolfram|Alpha, course apps, CDF, Mathematica, and much more. We hope to see you at one or more of these events in the fall.
Check out Wolfram’s event page to stay up to date on future trade shows and conferences that we’ll be attending and hosting!